When you are going through a period of transition in your life or when you want to get to know yourself better, you feel the need to express this momentum, this change through your look. It so happens that image counselling is particularly well suited to this process of global evolution of the person.
Going on a journey of self-discovery, looking at oneself in a different way, becoming incarnate, illustrating who one is in one's clothing choices... A whole programme... and the good news is that to achieve this, the techniques are fun, sometimes surprising, always enriching.
Some colours highlight you more than others, knowing them is the goal of colorimetry
The shape of your face can be particularly highlighted by a haircut, certainly, but also by the necklines, the shapes of jewellery, the glasses you choose, certain make-up gestures can also be adapted to it, these advices are the subject of a face morpho.
Your silhouette is particularly favourable to certain forms of clothing, knowing them allows you to make the right choices and adapt them to your style. You can get all this information from the morpho silhouette and style test.
Finally, learning the basics of simple make-up to show your face in its best light on a daily basis, discovering, reproducing and memorizing the simple gestures that make you look good becomes possible during a self make-up class.
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